Baby Massage Oil Recipes

Baby Massage Oil Recipes

Baby massage is a great way to bond with baby and to help soothe and calm baby after a warm bath which can help with sleep. Baby massage is also a great way to keep the moisture in baby’s skin.

Baby massage is best from around 8 weeks of age when they are having more periods of being awake and alert. Avoid massage just after a feed or when they are due a nap.

What oils are safe for baby?

Essential oils: If you have your own oils at home please research and find out what is safe for baby. From 3 months old Lavender and Chamomile oil are safe diluted in a carrier oil. Lavender has relaxing qualities and its antimicrobial, anti-fungal, and antibacterial properties. Chamomile is anti-inflammatory and calming.

Carrier oils: Jojoba, coconut oil calendula oil, sunflower seed oil and almond oil are recommended by many as being fantastic carrier oils for baby.

For any massage oil for baby, a good guide is 3 drops of essential oil (chamomile or Lavender oil) to every 30ml of carrier oil. Keep safe with essential oils around babies, always use a carrier oil and keep oils away from little hands and mouths.

What oils are NOT recommended for baby’s skin?

Certain carrier oils are generally not recommended for babies skin including mustard oil (may cause irritation) and olive oil (is high oleic acid which can make skin more permeable and damage the skin barrier).

Please do a spot check of any essential oils and carrier oil mix you plan to place on babies skin 24 hours before hand. Look out for any reactions or redness, discontinue use and contact your doctor.

Below are two fantastic massage oil recipes to try.

Recipe 1

1x glass dropper bottle or small bottle.

25ml Jojoba oil

5ml Fractioned coconut oil

1 drop Lavender essential oil

1 drop Chamomile essential oil

In your glass dropper bottle, add in your essential oils. Then, fill the rest of your bottle with your carrier oils. Shake together.

Recipe 2

20ml Almond oil

10ml calendula infused oil

1 drop chamomile essential oil

1 drop Lavender essential oil

In your glass dropper bottle, add in your essential oils. Then, fill the rest of your bottle with your carrier oils. Shake together.

You can find these ingredients from Go Native who have a fantastic commitment to sustainable packaging.

Please see our blog on baby massage which explores techniques, prep work and how to get in touch with your baby through baby massage.

All content here, including quotes from health professionals, should be considered as opinion only. Always seek the advice of your own doctor in connection with any questions or issues you may have regarding the health of your baby or toddler.

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