Home Composting

Home Composting

Our nappies are designed to be processed in a commercial composting facility where the necessary conditions are present to ensure pasteurization and ‘recycling’ into useful soil conditioners.

However, if you would like to compost wee nappies at home, then a hot composting method is required, such as the Berkeley Method described here.

The hot home composting process is further explained in the video below.

Please note, that poo nappies must never be put in your home compost

We recommend sending all Little & Brave Eco Nappies for commercial composting. If you would like the location of your nearest commercial composting facility, accepting Little & Brave nappies, please visit this link.


The Beginners Guide to Composting

If you like the idea of composting at home, diverting nutrient-dense resources from landfill and back into your gardens, here is a great beginner’s video to get your started:

Please note this method is not a ‘hot home composting’ method.

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