In many ways, the last six months at Little & Brave have been a lot like the frantic and frenetic fourth trimester; Those long days and nights of having a newborn in your house, the new discoveries and challenges of parenting an infant. Just like motherhood, it has been a lot of hard work, a lot of long hours, a lot of late nights and sacrifices, and a whole lot of poo! But just like being a Mum it has also been so full of joy. Little & Brave’s fourth trimester has been fueled by the knowledge that the spark of an idea that I had over three years ago is now a business that is changing the world one nappy at a time.
As a family, and as a Mum, we are also experiencing another change of our own. I am so excited to share that the Little & Brave team is growing! In October we will be getting our very own brand new Little.
As a 100% parent owned and run Kiwi business, we can truly say that your journey, is our journey too!
I am so proud to live in New Zealand. A place where Jacinda has shown the world that pregnant women can do anything and that Mums are amazing. Mums are brave. Mums are strong. As a working Mum, and a pregnant-again working Mum, I know what it means to have to pee every three minutes, to have a teething infant who won’t be consoled, and a toddler who is delivering a master class in pushing boundaries. I know what it means to juggle motherhood and work, to go to meetings with face goo on my shoulder, the joy at all the kisses and cuddles and giggles, and the rising dread at that now very silent room. The team at Little & Brave, who are all parents too, are right there with you.
It is because of this fact, the fact that we are Mums and Dads as well, that everything we do, every innovation, every new product, every new service is about making it easy to look after your children, and the New Zealand that you will leave them. Because we are doing this for our children too.
Becoming a Mum has shown me what I am made of. It has given me the confidence that I can and will survive, that I am strong enough to get through those dark nights, that in the face of tantrums and tears (including my own) that tomorrow is a new day. It has taught me that my body is capable of the miraculous. It has also reinforced my values and my commitment to leaving the Earth a better place for my children. I am so proud that throughout the month of May the team at Little & Brave will be celebrating Mums across New Zealand. Throughout the month please share with us. We want to hear your stories, understand your experience and say ‘Thank You’ for being you!
Little & Brave is growing. Not only with our newest little Little, but we are growing every single day as families across New Zealand make the decision to purchase a disposable nappy that is kind on bottoms and gentle on the earth. From one Mum to another, I cannot wait to welcome you and your family into ours, and I am so thankful for all that you do.
May is for Mothers!
Tahlia Hutchison – Little & Brave