

Make this Summer the season you make changes.

We would love you to be involved in #summerofsustainability on social media this year.

During Summer we think about new years resolutions, we think about making positive changes to our families lives. We would love #summerofsustainability to be about sharing information. About helping each other make positive changes.

Use the hashtag #summerofsustainability on social media and let everyone else learn about the changes you or your business are doing to become more sustainable.

#summerofsustainability is about sharing our eco tips, sharing our changes. It is about being positive and knowing that baby steps still move us forward.

What is #summerofsustainability?

Idea Sharing: We want to know all about the journey you are taking. Any tips and tricks you would like to share. Share what products you love that are sustainable, what businesses we think are doing great things so we can share it on our social media.

Product Sharing: over summer we will be sharing businesses and products over Instagram stories. Tag @littleandbravenappies and add the hashtag #summerofsustainability and we will share your product on our Instagram story.

Hashtag Hub: Use the hashtag #summerofsustainability. Everyone who uses the hashtag #summerofsustainability will be easily found on Instagram, follow them, share them, lets help each other grow.

Creating Conversations: Create a conversation on Facebook or Instagram about the things you are doing. Ask people about their own journey, what changes they have made, about how to be more sustainable. Talk about your failures too, not everything will work for you and your family. The important thing is to start the conversation.

Please always remember to never shame, only encourage.

Please head over to our Facebook and Instagram page and keep an eye out for our ideas and sharing posts. Please get involved. Your knowledge, experience and journey is important to everyone.

Make this Summer the time to make sustainable changes.

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