The Many Benefits of Eco Nappies

The Many Benefits of Eco Nappies

The Many Benefits of Eco Nappies

Congratulations on your bundle of joy! We know that you are probably in the midst of chaos – learning your little one’s new routine and schedule, and you’re also likely very confused about the products you should be using for the baby. We hear you asking, “What is the best diaper I should be using?” for example. 

Expecting and new parents are constantly struggling to pick between the convenience of disposable diapers and their ecological values. With the sheer amount of information available online, you’re possibly unsure of how to balance your baby’s needs with that of the planet as well. Fortunately, you won’t have to compromise on either for much longer. Read on!

Disposable Nappies and the Environment

As you may recall from our post about the different kinds of eco nappies the use of disposable nappies has taken a heavy toll on the planet’s landfills. Experts opine that at present, disposable diapers are the third-largest single consumer item in landfills and formal studies have shown that the average baby uses seven nappies a day. These numbers add up drastically and result in about 6,500 nappies in two years!

Well, fortunately, there are simple alternatives to plastic-filled nappies. Spirited companies like Little & Brave, for example, focus their efforts on creating kinder nappies for their babies and Mother Nature. So if you’re currently looking to switch to a pollutant-free, plastic-free, and less wasteful nappy experience, read on and allow us to convince you of their numerous benefits.

The Benefits of Eco Nappies on the Environment

The Production Process and Results are Gentler on the Environment

The large volume of disposable diapers made with plastic components that goes into landfills every year is truly staggering. Owing to the build of the average disposable nappies’ composition, they take nearly 150 years to break down. Ultimately, even when they do, they release harmful chemicals and microplastics into the environment, damage marine life and potentially contaminate the water. 

While no nappy has a carbon footprint of zero, eco-friendly nappies give parents better options! Our well-made compostable disposable nappies are made with wood pulp, a plant-based breathable biofilm, no oil-based plastics, and no chemicals. Simply put, this eco-friendly variant is made from renewable plant-based materials and is commercially compostable; Our processes are intentionally gentler on the planet than the conventional diapers,  and the products as a bonus can nourish the earth around us!

By using a compostable eco-nappy, and relying on Little & Brave’s efficient commercial composting process, you will provide the soil with nutrient-dense organic matter instead of harmful chemicals.

Fun fact – Our nappies will compost at the same rate as other organic matter i.e. in one compost cycle at commercial compost facilities.

The Benefits of Eco Nappies on Baby

Numerous Options Available

Over the past few years, the popularity and scope for research into more environmentally friendly types of nappies have rapidly increased. This is why it is now much easier to find an eco nappy that fits your baby’s needs and your lifestyle – There are so many different types of eco-friendly nappies on the market to try.

Some of the most common options include cloth nappies, flushable inserts for cloth nappies, and compostable nappies. For more comprehensive information about these – be sure to stop by our post on eco-friendly nappies for some more insight into these kinds. While you’re at it, be sure to remember that each type has its own pros and cons. For example, although some cloth nappies are quite cost-effective and accessible, they require a lot of washing, and that means using lots of water, detergent, electricity and time.

Chemical-Free is Irritation-Free

Non-toxic, chemical-free and compostable nappies offer all the support and comfort your baby needs without any of the nasties. 

A baby’s skin is much more delicate than the average full-grown adult’s – It is thinner and more porous, which means that it absorbs more of the things that it comes into contact with. With this in mind, the chemicals in disposable nappies, which include plastics, synthetic dyes, and other aggravating elements can cause anything from skin rashes and respiratory issues. 

Eco-friendly alternatives, however, contain none of these chemicals, keeping your baby’s sensitive bottom safe and soft. Since a nappy directly touches your baby’s sensitive skin all day and night, we’d recommend minimising or eliminating chemicals in those materials. By choosing chemical-free products, you reduce the number of chemicals that absorb into your baby’s body, lowering the overall chemical contact for your little one. A fuss-free baby is a happy baby.

The Same Benefits as Conventional Nappies

Eco-friendly nappies have all the same benefits as conventionally produced baby ones without any of the nasties and negative impacts on the environment. They are soft, absorbent when necessary and undeniably adorable! With every passing day, more and more research and resources are being diverted to fashion the perfect eco-nappy. Someday soon, we hope that these completely replace their microplastic-filled counterparts…

The Bottomline

You’re not alone – We know that making your diapering decision can be overwhelming for first-time parents, or even parents looking to make a switch to a more environmentally feasible option. With so much information around, you will likely be confused about the right choice. It’s in these times that you must be sure to remind yourself that diapering your baby is a personal experience, and it's important to find the method that works best for you and your little one! 

If you do choose to opt for an eco nappy, remember that although there might be an initial learning curve for diapers before you master their application, the results of a sustainable, pollutant-free, plastic-free, and less wasteful nappy are something the planet will thank you for every day. 

Trust us – make the switch to Little and Brave Eco Nappies today to bring your little one closer to a brighter and cleaner future today.

Head on over to our frequently asked questions about our eco nappies and how to commercially compost them for any doubts you may have about how we’ll ensure that your soiled nappies enrich the soil.

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