Zero Waste Kids Party Ideas

Zero Waste Kids Party Ideas

When we think parties, we think Balloons, confetti, streamers, wrapping paper and waste.

Things we have grown accustomed too because we grew up with it and it has been the norm for so long.

But how do we give our children a fun exciting celebration without creating enough waste to sink a ship?

Below we have some fantastic suggestions and ideas to make your party more zero waste.


Food is always hard as the majority or easy party food often comes in single use plastic packaging. Below are a few ideas on how to tackle party food.

Bin inn or bulk buy – Popcorn, pretzels, dried fruit bring in your own containers and stock up on party food without the packaging.

Food in compostable packaging – Such as Trade aid chocolate and Proper crisps.

Buy wholefood – Create fresh fruit and vege platters. Corn on the cob, home made hot chips from local potatoes.

Homemade – Try making your own Hummus, biscuits, slices and cake.

Bring containers to your local cafe, Muffin Break or Sushi place – bring your own container to your local cafe, muffin break or sushi place and stock up on a variety of sushi, slices or muffins for instant food for a large group.

Use reusable plates and cutlery – Sometimes the most waste comes from single use items that are used once and thrown away. Borrowing items if you need them and reusing items means that no single use plates or cutlery are going to landfill.


Use what you have

Paintings, kids pictures, wall hangings can be strategically placed around a room to create colour and a fantastic party feel. If you already have decorations from previous parties incorporate these each year into your party celebrations. Even various Christmas decorations can be incorporated in decorating the house such as fairy lights.

Invest in reusable party decorations

Buntings, wooden ‘Happy Birthday’ cake decorations and fabric table runners that you can use over and over again are a great  investment. When you are finished with them you can pass them along or reuse them again and again each year.

Incorporate nature into your decorations

The most beautiful decorations can be those sourced from nature. Flowers, twigs, herb pots or house plants. You could dry lavender ahead of time for a beautiful arrangement or cut magnolia leaves to place in a large vase to create a natural green decorative arrangement.

When the event is over they can be composted or eaten.

Use colourful fabric to create colour

Hanging colourful fabric to create a backdrop to your table of party food can be a great way to make the room festive and bright.

Games and activities

Pass the parcel – Use fabric to wrap each layer and reuse again for each birthday party.

Musical cushions– This is a fun game for the kids that just involves cushions and music.

Dance party – Having a themed dance party is great for getting kids moving and creates little to no waste.

Goodie Bags

Either say no to goodie bags or choose something low waste to send home such as some lollies from the bulk bin wrapped in paper bags or a slice of cake.

Something they can use at kindy or school such as crayons, chalk or coloured pencils are also great.

Even a pretty potted plant in a pot they painted themselves is a great activity and take-home item.

Don’t forget you can borrow and lend your party items too. Share, borrow, reuse and reduce your waste at your next party!

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